Wednesday 6 January 2010

Evergreen Magazine

Hello once more,

Today I'd like to share with you one of my favourite magazines, Evergreen magazine.

This quaterly magazine accurately describes itself as "a miscellany of this and that and things gone by". This little magazine is an absolute joy to read. It is easily recognised by its green cover and is published in a small book-sized format. It covers a broad range of topics ranging from poetry to memories, and from old films and TV shows to childhood nostalgia and reviews of relevant products. There is always a high standard of photography on display in this little green gem. On top of this it really is a patriotic little read, unabashedly proud of our heritage without any unpleasant jingoism.

I have many fond memories of returning home from the newsagent with this magazine and devouring it (not literally of course!) in a single sitting, or taking it on a stroll with me and reading it whilst taking a pleasant sandwich/drink break under a shady tree. This magazine has become a regular purchase each quarter and is heartily recommended. It can be found in most branches of W H Smiths and many smaller independent newsagents. They also have a website:

If you haven't already tried this great little read, and hanker for an increasingly lost England then I am sure you will derive as much pleasure as I do should you treat yourself to an issue of this magazine.

For now, farewell.

Herne the Hunter

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